
Since this debugger is similar to other trepanning debuggers and gdb in general, knowledge gained by learning this is transferable to those debuggers and vice versa.

Source-code Syntax Colorization

Terminal source code is colorized via pygments . And with that you can set the pygments color style, e.g. “colorful”, “paraiso-dark”. See set_style . Furthermore, we make use of terminal bold and emphasized text in debugger output and help text. Of course, you can also turn this off.

Terminal Handling

We can adjust debugger output depending on the line width of your terminal. If it changes, or you want to adjust it, see set_width .

Smart Eval

If you want to evaluate the current source line before it is run in the code, use eval. To evaluate text of a common fragment of line, such as the expression part of an if statement, you can do that with eval?. See eval for more information.

More Stepping Control

Sometimes you want small steps, and sometimes large stepping.

This fundamental issue is handled in a couple ways:

Step Granularity

There are now step event and next event commands with aliases to s+, s> and so on. The plus-suffixed commands force a different line on a subsequent stop, the dash-suffixed commands don’t. Without a suffix you get the default; this is set by the set different command.